Confined Space / Trenching and Safety Overview
Date: January 7, 2025, 8:00 am to 3:30 pm
DuBois Country Club (directions)
10 Lakeside Avenue
Dubois, Clearfield County, PA 15801
Course ID: 2588 / 7816
Water Hours: 6
Wastewater Hours: 6
39 seats remaining
Confined Space: Water and wastewater operators are faced with choices every day; one of those decisions usually involves a confined space. This course was developed to help operators make the right choices based on knowledge of the hazards of a confined space.
Trenching and Safety Overview: This course covers the basics of trench safety, including regulations and standards that every trench worker should know.
Supplies, materials and lunch are included with your registration.
Printable Registration: 2588-7816-Confined-Space-Trenching-Dubois.pdf
Rebecca Holler
Stormwater Specialist / Training Technician
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
Cell: (814) 424-5339
Stormwater Specialist / Training Technician
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
Cell: (814) 424-5339